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How Long Does Exterior Paint Last On A Home In Miami?

Are you wondering how long exterior paint lasts in Miami? The first thing to consider is that your paint will last longer if it is a higher-quality paint that is used.

There are several varieties of exterior paint available, and your decision will be determined by what you want, your budget, and how well it works.

Exterior paint can usually last anywhere from 3-5 years in Maimi. It should be noted that humidity and weather can sometimes speed up the deterioration process.

Exterior Painters Miami

Know Your Coating Type

exterior paint

The type of paint you use will determine the length of time it lasts. If the exterior paint that is used is not weather-resistant, it will start to fade with the first rain or humidity. Knowing the coating type can help determine how long your exterior paint will last.

Some paint to consider before using include acrylic-based paints, two-coat epoxy-based paints, and alkyd/polyurethane-based paints. Acrylic-based paints are applied with a roller, which typically lasts longer than traditional paint.

The epoxy-based paint is durable for exterior and interior applications but doesn’t last as long as acrylic paint. Alkyd/polyurethane-based paints have been around for years and have a long shelf life because they are easily cleaned up and don’t crack when exposed to extreme temperatures like some other outdoor paint.

When selecting the right paint to use, it is always best to go with the advice of a professional painting company. If you are in Miami and need your home professionally painted, give Michael Grant Painting a call, and we will help you!

3 Tips When Choosing Your Exterior Paint

Exterior paint can last up to 3-5 years, and most homeowners will need to repaint even sooner due to various factors. That said, exterior paint will start to crack, peel, or chip over time. Your cities climate can also affect the paints life span.

Here are three tips to extend exterior paint life:

1) Consult with a professional painting company like Michael Grant Painting before your interior, or exterior painting project takes place.

2) Have a professional color consultation with your painting contractor to ensure they understand your needs.

3) Never hire amateurs that are unlicensed and uninsured. Go with a professional company like Michael Grant Painting

Exterior Paint
Michael Grant Painting offers professional exterior painting in Miami

When you need to paint your exterior, whether to spruce up the your homes look or make it more appealing for prospective buyers, many factors should be taken into account. The quality, the amount of time it takes to paint, how often you’ll be painting, and what kind of weather conditions you’re dealing with are just a few.

Michael Grant Painting offers professional exterior painting in Miami, FL, and can help answer any questions about how long exterior paint lasts on a home in Miami. The climate in which your property is located is an essential issue to consider.

Miami’s area has a tropical climate, so exterior paint will last longer than if your home were located in another state like New York or Illinois.

In addition, paints that have been designed with UV protection will last longer than paints without UV protection because they block out harmful rays from the sun.

Some paints use acrylic as their main ingredient, while others use water-based materials like oil-based paints and latex-based paints.

With these types of materials, you can expect that there will be no lead in them which means less exposure to harmful substances for your family and pets.

Another critical factor is how often you need to repaint your exteriors, according to Michael Grant Painting’s recommendations. The life cycle of your exterior paint will depend on factors such as the time between coats and your environment.


Miami’s heat and humid weather conditions can cause your home’s exterior paint to fade and deteriorate faster than normal. You need to hire a professional that uses professional-grade primer and UV-protected paint.

Your paint should last 3-5 years in the best weather conditions. If your home’s exterior paint is fading or you just want to change things up, go with a licensed and insured professional.

Michael Grant Painting is fully licensed and insured in the state of Florida.

We have 20 plus years of experience and use high-quality primers and paints that will last longer and look great on your home.

Call us today or fill out a form on our website, and we’ll get you a quote!

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